The Helpful Clinic is proudly a social venture. What does this mean?

We are committed to a clear focus on ethical sustainability in terms of:

  1. People’s health – supporting people to improve their health in an easy to access way, whether they are unable to leave the house or because work or family commitments limit their access to health support. As well as working with individuals through direct contact, the mission includes developing and delivering educational and outreach programmes to improve health and emotional literacy.
  2. Environmental impact – using technology to minimise carbon footprint – in terms of transport, energy, paper use and any other way we can find to reduce the impact of providing this service, on the environment.
  3. Financial responsibility – providing services in a way that’s as cost effective as possible and allows people to support other people through donations, making this kind of support available to the many people that are struggling to afford health support.

We are accountable for all three aspects and will report on each one in its annual report.

The Helpful Clinic is supported by an advisory group. This ensures stronger governance and accountability. We take our mission and our role seriously and are committed to working in a transparent and accountable way to ensure that we deliver sustained impact, evidenced through strong measurement methodology and recognised impact measurement systems.

The Helpful Crew at the Helpful Waffle Party, celebrating the first birthday of The Helpful Clinic.