A photo showing thumbnail photos of panelists and participants at the International Self Care Day event A text box reads: 24/7/2024 Do self-care online event. A panel discussion about the why and the how A graphic with the logo for International Self Care Day is in the bottom left hand corner A graphic showing a record button with the text REC is on the right. Across the bottom is an orange banner showing the cover of the First Aid for Feelings Manual (black with white text), the icon for First Aid for Feelings in white which is a three-quarters closed circle with a cross in the middle and the url for the First Aid for Feelings website. In the middle of the orange banner there’s a white graphic design of a heart embraced.

What is International Self Care Day?

On Wednesday July 24th 2024, we celebrated International Self Care Day. It’s a whole day dedicated to your self-care ⛑️❤️

Why this date? Well, it can be written as 24/7 and indeed, self-care, or lack thereof, is a factor in your experience and quality of life 24/7.

Why self-care? Doing your self-care helps not just you but all of us.

To celebrate and honour this day, I met up with a few colleagues to talk about why it’s important to do self-care and how to do it.

What we talked about?

Together with Svava, Nathan, Sorrel, and David, each a specialist in their field, we talked about the top three main issues with prioritising self.

👍🟢 Permission: Giving yourself permission to invest time and focus in doing self-care, which is a challenge for many people. Many of us still struggle with the last-century belief that self-care is selfish. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

💡✨ Inspiration: Like many people, you may struggle to know what self-care means in practical terms. Therefore, you’re likely to struggle to come up with ideas that work for you. This is about thinking beyond the proverbial bubble-bath – nothing wrong with bubble-baths, just that it’s not for all people or for all occasions.

💪🚀 Motivation: You may be fully aware of just how important self-care is or at least that it’s probably a good idea. However, you struggle to find a strong enough reason for actually doing your self-care or making it a priority.

Who is it for

Watch this video if for example you struggle to do your self-care because:

💑💔 You’re in a relationship that’s challenging

🧠♿ You’re neurodivergent or struggle with a disability, visible or invisible

💔🤕 You’re struggling with joy, confidence, and not feeling like you’re the sovereign in your own life

😔👑 You’re struggling with trauma, including childhood sexual abuse trauma

😣😰 You’re struggling with pain, fatigue, stress or anxiety


About the speakers

David Brown – Leadership and Embodiment Life Coach (click the name to find out more about David)

Experienced life coach and former Antarctic research scientist passionate about the stewardship of people and planet. Alignment of mind and body makes for empowered, fulfilled and inspired living. Drawing on the wisdom of the whole self, life coaching with David cultivates greater confidence, joy and leading from your Sovereignty.

Sorrel Pindar – Relationship & Resilience Coach(click the name to find out more Sorrel)

Sorrel is a Relationship & Resilience Coach with a mission to help individuals overcome challenges in their relationships and mental health through transformational change. Drawing on her personal experience, a background in osteopathy and advanced training in coaching, Sorrel supports her clients in achieving deep connection & emotional well-being.

Nathan Whitbread – The Neurodivergent Coach (click the name to find out more about Nathan)

Nathan is a coach, mentor, consultant and trainer specialising in helping make the neuro-inclusive workplace a reality. Father of four and diagnosed as a dyslexic as an adult, Nathan started coaching in 2015. His purpose is to help neurodivergent individuals and teams be more effective, happy and engaged at work to reach their goals.

Svava Brooks – Trauma Recovery Coach (click the name to find out more about Svava)

Svava is a Certified TRE® Provider, Reiki Master, and Restorative Yoga Teacher. She is a survivor of child sexual abuse and the co-founder of a nationwide child sexual abuse prevention and education organization in Iceland called “Blátt áfram.” Svava empowers survivors to heal and thrive through daily self-compassion and practical mind-body self-care.

Thor A Rain – Pain and fatigue specialist (click the name to find out more about Thor)

Founder of The Helpful Clinic | First Aid for Feelings and lead-author of First Aid for Feelings Manual, Thor specialises in helping people struggling with pain, fatigue, stress or anxiety to feel better. You can access support through 1-2-1 consultations, courses and events. Thor is also a teacher on the Insight Timer meditation app.


Click here to watch the panel discussion


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