What’s new for First Aid for Feelings? Here is where you can find out all our news, what we’ve been up to, and what we are getting up to next.
Insight Timer 22 free meditations more than 25,000 plays
22 free meditations have been played more than 25.000 times in the Insight Timer meditation app. For many they are a go-to in times of stress, anxiety, pain and fatigue.
Podcast: Tech-London – Join the conversation about self-care
In this podcast Thor talks to Bernie Mitchell about how being a health activist helps them to stay strong and robust in their career whilst supporting people to feel better
Podcast: Thor A Rain on Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
In this podcast Thor talks to Andy Bargery about a three-dimensional understanding of the Imposter Syndrome and how it’s not all about what you believe about yourself.
Your Truth Shared Podcast: The Journey of Surviving to Thriving with Thor A Rain
Thor recently joined the wonderful Finola Howard on the Your Truth Shared Podcast to discuss their health journey from surviving to thriving. Having lived with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and PTSD, against all odds, Thor embarked on a seven-year journey to a full recovery....
ChemCareers 2022: Job seeking and disability: managing a job search
Thor will be a guest speaker at the Royal Society of Chemistry’s forthcoming ChemCareers 2022: Job seeking and disability: managing a job search webinar on February 8th 2022 at 12.30 pm. The second in a series focussing on providing support for disabled people, this...
Thursday with Thor live events on Insight Timer
What's the purpose of stress and how is it possible to channel and harness this feeling as well as decrease it? Depending on how stressed you are feeling, meditation can either help or hinder. The "Thursday with Thor" series on Insight Timer focuses on how meditation...
Mental Health & Social Media Discussion at #CSMDay2021
Thor will be virtually taking part in the upcoming Mental Health & Social Media Discussion Panel at Cambridge Social Media Day 2021 on October 19th. The discussion will focus on whether we can have a healthy relationship with social media while we work with it? Do...
Announcing Insight Timer live winter events
Thor has been invited by Insight Timer to host weekly live meditations for three months this winter as part of the platform’s inaugural season of events. Join them for a weekly Mindful Monday Check in, a 15-minute guided Awareness – Breath and Body – Choice meditation...
Learn how to do your own FIRST AID for FEELINGS in 10 days
The First Aid for Feelings course is now available on Insight Timer. This 10-day meditation centres on the fact that all feelings are information and it’s much more helpful to be curious than critical or dismissive. When we are grappling with heightened thoughts,...